Forum Discussion

tonyd48's avatar
Aug 05, 2015

Picking a coach imput

First time RVers and we're pulling the trigger on a used unit within a week or so. We have narrowed down our wants, needs, likes, balanced with a bit of "gotta have" and "would be nice but not necessary" and have landed on 5 different units. They range from an '05 National Sea Breeze to an '11 Itasca 30W. All are available for $55,000 or less. As loans are a profit source for dealerships we can write it that way and pay it off before the interest kicks if it helps with the negotiation. Right now I'm interested in feedback about these 5 specific coaches:
2011 Itasca Sunstar 30W
2010 Coachmen Mirada 29DS
2007 Tiffin Motorhomes Allegro 30 DA 2-SL

Yes, it's a wide range but all are clean and after a 30 minutes with each, just looking and tire kicking not test driven yet all can meet our needs and stay within budget.
Is newer necessarily better? Are Tiffin and Itasca really that great? Is a National RV or Coachman synonymous is shoddy workmanship? Any and all feedback welcome from personal experience to "I heard from a cousin of my deceased aunt twice removed on an elevator".

I've posted links to four of the five actual coaches on my web site here: Sammie and Tony RV hunt or cut and paste if necessary

  • I would pick one of these and the Tiffin first but the bottom line pick the one the wife wants. You did not tell us any thing about chassis and engine choice. I would not choose a workhorse of any kind.

    2007 Tiffin Motorhomes Allegro 30 DA 2-SL
    2011 Itasca Sunstar 30W

    I would not pick one of these

    2010 Coachmen Mirada 29DS
  • ArchHoagland wrote:
    I'd say pick the with the best layout that both of you like. Especially the one the that your wife likes.

    Which brand is best or worst? Hmmm, I've been on these forums 10 years and have learned not to comment about that.

    In general all are good and all are bad, you can have problems with any brand.

    Agree, but most important is the wife liking the floorplan that meets your particular needs. JMO
  • I just bought my first about a month ago. Even within a particular brand/model you can see a range of quality. I wouldn't get TOO hung up on this. One thing that influenced my decision was that some camp grounds don't allow coaches over 10 years old. This or more of an issue for me since I will be full timing and staying by the month.

    I'd also factor in the mileage on each unit. Not too high, but also not too low. Do you happen to know the mileage on them?

    Are any of them rental units? I immediately ruled out the ones that used to be rentals. The reason is that during each of my trips to the dealership, I overheard the front desk people on the phones talking about towing/repairing rental units because the renters beat them up.

    Don't just kick the tires. Check the date codes. Some of those coaches will have tires that need to be replaced soon. You're looking at 2-3000 grand right there....this may be a negotiating point as well. Check the battery age while you're at it.

    See if you can test drive all of them. That might help you narrow it down some.

    Also test EVERYTHING. Anything that hints at being problematic is something that could keep your from enjoying it. None of them will be perfect, but if the dash AC doesn't work, or the generator doesn't start, etc, it might be a headache you don't want to deal with?

    If none of that helps.....which one looks cooler? I say this in jest....but not entirely. I teach guitar lessons, and I have people ask me for advice on which guitar to buy. Sometkmes buying the one that looks coolest is the one that will get you the most exciting about using and enjoying it.
  • I'd say pick the with the best layout that both of you like. Especially the one the that your wife likes.

    Which brand is best or worst? Hmmm, I've been on these forums 10 years and have learned not to comment about that.

    In general all are good and all are bad, you can have problems with any brand.