Forum Discussion

toban's avatar
Sep 24, 2015

plastic end step inserts for a rear ladder on a 2004 DSDP

I own a 2004 DSDP.

I have a rear ladder which has at the end of each step plastic inserts which support the step to the stainless steel upright with 3 screws.

I called Newmar and they have them for $13.00 each!

Does any one know where I can buy these?

  • Thanks everyone for your info.

    I now have places I can go for the replacements.

  • I replaced my end cap black plastic inserts a few years ago at a cost of $1.95/ea. The part is called a (Blk. Premier end cap w/ screws). I ordered them from the manufacturer directly.
    1120 N. Main St.
    Elkart, In. 46514
    (574) 264-2131 or (800) 546-8759
    The company who made the ladder had just been purchased when I bought mine. I have one other number (574) 262-9399.
    Good luck, I think the repacement caps are still available.