Forum Discussion

timmac's avatar
Jan 21, 2014

Possible Samson Tire Issues, Maybe Not Worth The Savings

My motorhome came with all 6 new Samson tires installed by dealer before purchase, however I think the Samson tires are not worth the money at this point, 1st off my front tires started to make a loud humming noise at 55-65 mph, thinking I had front bearing issues at 30,000 miles I spent $300 on bearing repack, shop said bearings were fine, humming noise still exist, tried different air pressure and humming still exist just at different speeds but still around my 62 mph preferred speed, so I installed centramatic balancers and rotated front tires side to side, humming still exist.

At this point I am about to replace 2 near new tires {4000} miles with date code of 2012, I think I am going to try Kumho tires, had them on my last motorhome and they were smooth and quiet, however this will cost me about $700 and hope this fixes the problem humming noise.

Just wondering does anyone here have Samson tires and are having the same noise issues as I am.

Here is a pic of my current tire, Note the tread is not the issue, must be tire construction or something.

  • wrote:
    Not sure your humming noise should be coming from those tires. I replaced mine this year with success. They ride just slightly harder than my Goodyears that I replaced, but I also replaced them with a little heavier duty sidewall Samson tire. I am not getting any strange humming noises. Are you sure the noise is not coming from the rear end? Check to make sure you do not have any brake calipers that have locked up on you too.

    Nope the noise is coming right from the front tires, can't hear what's happening in the back, also when I rotated the front tires side to side I check the brakes and no issues and spun easy and quiet, I agree the tires should not be making this noise but they are, when the crown in the road changes the humming noise does go down some so I know its the front tires, when I speed above 70 mph it goes quiet again.
  • Not sure your humming noise should be coming from those tires. I replaced mine this year with success. They ride just slightly harder than my Goodyears that I replaced, but I also replaced them with a little heavier duty sidewall Samson tire. I am not getting any strange humming noises. Are you sure the noise is not coming from the rear end? Check to make sure you do not have any brake calipers that have locked up on you too.
  • darsben wrote:
    Works fine on mine.

    Most tires made in China even some Michelin's made in China
    You can get a dud with any brand. Have you had the tires diagnosed to see if it might be a belt problem?

    What is your ply, mine is 18 ply I think, they are the heavy duty type tires, 120lb max air, more weight carrying than the stock Good Year tires, the tires were quiet for the 1st 2000 miles than they stated to sing, sounds just like when your riding net to a semi.
  • Works fine on mine.

    Most tires made in China even some Michelin's made in China
    You can get a dud with any brand. Have you had the tires diagnosed to see if it might be a belt problem?
  • Samson tires are made in China, seems to be a OK truck/semi tire but maybe not a motorhome.
