Forum Discussion

FLfamily's avatar
Jul 17, 2016

Power in Only Part of RV

When we arrived at our campsite everything was working normal except I noticed the interior lights seemed dimmer than usual. 24 hours later, the lights starting going more dim and the A/C units stopped working along with the refrigerator, the only things that work are a few outlets and both TV's. Has anyone had this happen? A fuse maybe? We have a 2006 Hurricane. Thanks.
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Do you have a battery boost switch on the dash? If so, start the engine and hold it down, even wedging something under it to hold it on. Is your converter humming? If not, go buy a 10 amp battery charger after the engine charges the house batteries enough to get things working.
  • Thanks for the reply. We have 50 amp RV and are plugged into 50 amp shore power. We cave a 2006 Fourwinds Hurricane 34B. The coach house battery disconnect is unlit and nothing happens if I turn on and off. I tried the reset button in the battery control center, didn't do anything. I reset the converter breaker, nothing happened. I don't have a voltmeter.
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Like Wa8 said ALL of your problems are because you house batteries are below 10V... not getting charged. I'd try starting your engine in the hopes the alternator will charge your house batteries... some are wired so it can, some can not. If you have a boost switch on the dash you can hold it down while the engine is running... after 2-5 minutes things should start to work again.
    Sounds like your generator uses the house batteries which are not getting charged by your alternator or your converter... that noisy thing usually under the bed with all the little 12V fuses. If it's not humming, it's not working. If it's humming then wiggle the cables at the house batteries to clean them, even if you have to loosen the nuts and then re-tighten. If not humming, in your 120V panel there should be a circuit breaker for it. Try turning it on/off several times in the hopes it's just tripped/not making contact. If all else fails buy a 10 amp battery charger ($35) and hook to your house batteries to charge them.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    The Lights work off 12 volt (Battery/Converter) the A/C may use 12 volts for control.. Also the Fridge and water heater and furnace.

    Your problem is a lack of 12 volts

    Tribble shooting guide

    Is The RV 30 or 50 amp. If 50 amp and thigns like the TV and microwave still work make sure the plug is well set and the park breakers are both set (turn off hard and on)

    If 50 amp on a 30 amp site you may have a bad adapter

    If 30 amp skip the above If Microwave and TV working read on

    Check your breakers.. The one marked CONV turn off and on

    Finally check your converter (may be part of power distribution panel) post make and model and use a voltmeter on the output.. I'm guessing there is none or very low

    If that is the case get a 30 amp SMART CHARGER and hook it to the house batteries till you can fix.


    FUSES.. There are fuses as part of the converter, usually 2 or 3, These must be replaced all at the same time by the way (Small converters may have just one)

    UNPLUG and wait a few mintues before repalcing if they test bad


    using the voltmeter probe the small square openings at each end of the top of a blade fuse.. Should be same voltage.. Or the clips on a cartridge fuse (same should be) Differnet voltages = blown fuse Cartridge fuses = UPGRADE YOUR CONVERTER.

    If the converter is part of the power panel the fuses are usually the two on the right and usually 30 amp.
  • Our generator died just as we were arriving the camp ground. Thanks for the tips we'll check it out.
  • Might have low batteries. Check with a meter. Make sure converter is ON.
    Get some electrical help if need be.
  • It sounds like you are experiencing a low voltage situation on your input power. This can damage things like your AC units.
    Reset the circuit breaker on the shore power pedestal and if that does not help, put a voltmeter on the incoming power and see if it is at least 110 volts. It should be closer to 120 volts.
    You may also try starting your generator and see if things get back to normal since your generator should be putting out the correct voltage.