Some dealers have a flat rate for the inspection. You do it in 2 hours and they get a large profit. Take ten hours and their profit comes way down. We convinced them to throw in a sleep number bed for the $2000 they were including for prep/PDI.
Take yur time. The inspection is only over when you are happy, even if it is 8-12 hours. The idea is the same in an A as you are already familiar with. Touch, open, start and stop everything. Since we had a TT and a MH prior, cabinetry, fridge and other such systems was easy and simultaneous. It was a hot day so they had the ac running. The tech had a surprised look on his face when I asked him to sit down on the couch, while we went to work an to be prepared to answer our questions. We started by turning everything on but genny. Turned on the fridge and put in a gal of water and a plastic solo cup of water in the freezer. We flipped on the ice maker and went to work. Turned off one AC then switched them and then proceeded to turn them off and the heat pump on followed by the gas furnace. We turned on everything. We did not have to know all of the features of the nav system to see that basics worked. We literally touched everything, inside and out. The tech just shook his head when both my Angel and I climbed the ladder to the roof. The tech was less surprised when I pulled out a clamp on voltmeter, with 12v & 120V. Then we went to gen power. Each step we verified such things as the inverter/charger, even without shore or gen power.
About 6 hours later, the water was cold and frozen. We only had about 6 minor fixes, some of which were being tweeked as we inspected. While we were signing final PPWK, the rest were fixed.
We had a door fit issue that we had to return for but that was scheduled for after a 6k mile shakeout. During the shake out we had a couple of problems. The biggest, a front slide ram leaking, did not turn out to be disasterous, though could have. That was replaced. The fridge started whining. Found out the burner was not mounted correctly, thought they replaced the burner unit in the process. This last paragraph was fixed approximately 1 month after we drove it off the lot, as we found it while playing.