doughboy wrote:
you may want to check this out, i plan on doing mine when the weather warms up
I've seen that before, using Zep floor wax. I'm thinking of using on a 92 E-350 Fleetwood with fiberglass exterior.
One other thing about the Vanagan B-Class. (I haven't had a chance to to perform a better inspection inside because I'm allowing the previous owner to keep his stuff, tools and a freezer inside until he has a chance to store elsewhere)
I noticed the Class-B's roof is made from two solid layers of plastic, interior and exterior. I'm only able to see around the roof vent where the bottom half has separated around the vent, where there is some deteriorating foam insulation.
The interior of the roof doesn't appear to be removable. I don't see any method to re-insulate between the two halves unless completely removing the roof from the RV?
Perhaps this is something I should let go for now and the rest of the insulation is ok?
The RV being 30 years old I suspect what insulation it has it's probably not in the greatest shape. I once rebuilt an earlier 44 foot RV manufactured in the mid 50's however it was constructed with a wood frame and removable aluminum ext. panels with screws. There was also less than a foot of space underneath with metal sheathing where I was able to blow in insulation.
I'll need to take a closer look to determine what parts of the interior can be removed so to re-insulate.