Forum Discussion

oldusedbear's avatar
Jun 11, 2014

Problem at the AutoPark Library

Today, I had a computer guru update my 2003 Outlook email program to the 2013 version. He also did several other things that were needed but I'm not smart enough to tell you what they were.

BUT - - When he got done, I had 384 emails in my inbox that had never been delivered. Guess they were stuck in some server somewhere - - dunno what that is all about. The really bad thing is that most of them were requests for help with AutoPark. Including, all the folks who were stuck somewhere and needing advice to get going again.

Sooo - - I've started down through these (some of them several months old) and am trying to contact everyone who apparently never heard back from me. I'm really sort of crushed to think that several hundred people came to me for help and never even got a reply of any sort.

At this point, all I can do is ask folks to get back to me again if they have any autopark issues I might be able to help with. As usual, we can be reached at , or at

Roger - - aka oldusedbear
  • Autopark is the "parking brake" on Chevy/Workhorse P chassis (and maybe some others).

    It is just behind the transmission tail shaft.
  • Tvov's avatar
    Explorer II
    whem2fish wrote:
    roger is great auto park is the parking break

    Now I'm curious about "AutoPark", and I'm not sure what this response means... lol!
  • Sounds like you might have inadvertently set a filter up in the old Outlook, and upgrading removed it allowing the messages to appear. Hope you get through them!
  • Totally agree.

    Roger is a rare treasure when it comes to understanding, diagnosing and fixing auto-park issues and his willingness to help others is a refreshing endorsement of the RV lifestyle.
  • Gjac's avatar
    Explorer III
    I'm sure the folks on this forum will understand. Thanks again Roger for your help over the years, hope all is well with you.