ScottG wrote:
skipole wrote:
Sounds to me like the DirecTV SWM installation is interacting with the Jack. Try disconnecting the SWM and see if problem goes away.
That wouldn't surprise me.
My Son uses a small DVD player and when he turns it on it will sometimes KILL my Jack antenna's reception.
We were having a reception problem with the jack antenna and got quite a surprise yesterday. It kept going in and out and more often than not we were getting a "weak or no signal" message across the TV screen. However all the lights on the antenna were lit. I tried rotating the antenna and moving the adjustment knob but nothing seemed to help.
My wife was sitting in the dinette directly under the antenna. When she closed her laptop all of a sudden the picture came in perfect. She reopened it and once again the picture was lost. We tried it several times and every time we opened the computer the signal was lost. I tried the same thing with my laptop and there was no affect. It seems there are some electronic devices that will cause you to loose the picture while others have no affect.
We now only use my laptop while sitting in the dinette if the TV is on. She can use hers any place in the motorhome except at the dinette and every thing works fine.