Forum Discussion

Rocknxj's avatar
Feb 16, 2020

Question about inverter transfer switch

We recently purchased this 2007 TropiCal coach and it has a Xantrex 458 inverter/charger and a QD 8000 genset. When I switch from inverter to generator and from generator back to inverter it interrupts power and shuts off whatever is running, like the TV, DVR, etc. I'm trying to determine if this is normal with this setup or not, and what to do about it. I've talked to a couple friends with MH's and their stuff doesn't shut off when they switch back and forth. I have experience with a Xantrex 3012 in a sailboat it is seemless switching from inverter to generator and back. Wondering if I just need to buy a newer inverter. Nothing wrong with this one, works and charges fine, just frustrating how things shut off. Makes it very hard to work the DVR...serious problem. :-)
  • My guess is, you will experience power interruption when utilizing ANY external transfer switch. Just the "nature of the beast". The only solution is to purchase an inverter/charge with a built in transfer switch that specifies a fast transfer time.