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RJL's avatar
Nov 12, 2016

Question about winterizing

I blew out the lines on my 2010 Damon Challenger, added RV anti-freeze to all drains and toilets the other day. I'm wondering if you guys leave the low point drains open and the plug out of the water heater or button everything back up.


  • Bob, yes I do! When I drain the hot water tank I leave the plastic plug right under the tank where it screws in. I also poor just a little of the pink stuff down the drain so it can sit in the P-Traps. Good Question
  • I leave all faucets OPEN after blowing out. Drape the shower heads lower than the water source, also open, pour pink stuff into all drains (one gallon total).

    After draining the water heater tank, I loosely put the plug back in, even though I know that the aluminum tank can handle freezing the tiny amount of leftover water easily. Just habit.

    On the freshwater tank, I open the gravity drains while I'm winterizing and close when I'm done. I do remove and drain the water pump, the plastic connectors are only finger tight. Takes just a minute. Then I leave it in the water bay. And I close up any openings in the water and waste bays.

    All the holding tanks, since what little liquid remaining is spread all over the bottom when empty, really not a worry. Even if that small amount of water freezes, it won't damage the tanks. Also, they're vented to the roof. The holding tank valves are left closed over the winter.

    I spent three winters in Fairbanks, Alaska with it's -40F days and -55F nights for weeks and weeks, without problems using the blowout method. Coldest I heard of while I was there was -70F for several nights.

    In spring, back living in the RV within a hour of hooking up.
  • I never use pink stuff after having it turn to a nasty goo one year - blowing out works better for me since I dont have to get the pink stuff out next spring. I would button everything back up so tiny critters dont get in.
  • Close the water heater up when empty, but DO NOT close the low point drains & fresh tank drain unless you have RV antifreeze in the lines.
    Your lines are not perfectly empty after blowing them out and water can accumulate at the low drain valves and bust the valve or the lines.
    Just my humble opinion.
  • I screw the water heater plug in a few turns to keep insects out.
  • After blowing out the lines, I leave the drains open so any residual condensation can drain. I also leave the coach tilted slightly towards the drains for better drainage. The water heater plug goes back in.
  • I do the blowout then close everything except the WH. The WH plug stays out, and it's in bypass...
  • Low points closed.

    Water heater anode rod plug put back in (threads won't rust up this way).

    Flip the winterize valve back on normal on the water pump.

    Leave the water heater in bypass.

    (When flushing the lines in the spring, you don't want any "pink" getting in the water heater. Un-bypass the water heater only after all lines are flushed of the pink stuff. Then fill the water heater with fresh water.)
  • I blow out my lines put pink stuff in drains and leave all plugs out for winter, if you push pink stuff threw lines end of line have to be closed to keep antifreeze in line. If you blow out no water should be left in line so leave open
  • I normally put the pink stuff in all the lines so I need to close the low point drains. When you put the pink stuff in the water lines, you bypass the hot water heater so the pink stuff does not go in there. I put the plug back into the hot water heater.