Tom/Barb wrote:
vw wrote:
I have a 2006 Winnebago journey C-7 cat. 50000 miles I have no over heating problem but should I just drain the radiator and refill with new coolant.?
Your Cat-C7 probably has a coolant filter. If it does, change the filter, replenish as required and leave it alone.
contact you local Cat, service center to know for certain.
If your engine does have a coolant filter, the correct filter DEPENDS COMPLETELY ON WHAT COOLANT CHEMISTRY YOU CHOOSE. If Caterpillar ELC (a good choice with a Caterpillar engine) the filter is a BLANK (filter media only, no SCA). But it in and forget it for 6 years.
Yes, if you choose a "low silicate coolant for diesel with added SCA, the filter may be different (depends on whether your new coolant already contains the initial dose of SCA or not).