Forum Discussion
I thought I would add a recent service cost in this post as a good example of what one can expect with older coaches. I've read a lot of similar posts but often the real costs aren't shared. I try and do all work myself (I can control the quality of the parts used and know the work was done right) but sometimes I just don't have the time to do it. Case in point, my drive axle brakes were ready to be replaced. We had a trip coming up and I wasn't able to get in the barn to do the work (something about working full time and having kids...). Hence, I took it to a trusted shop for the work. In the course of the inspection it was also discovered that there was a bad ball joint, a bad inversion valve, a bad delivery valve, and a leaking pressure switch. Just labor was quoted over $7,000. This example was a bit extreme due to the amount of labor it takes to access some of the bad parts, but its worth mentioning as it is in the realm of possibilities. The handful of other times I have had to have someone else do the work it seems I can never get out of the shop for under $2,000 in labor, plus parts which can get expensive on these heavy chassis.
Enjoy that new truck!