I am also new to this RV thing after pulling a little camper behind my motorcycle and have bought a 2007 Winnebago View to give this a try. I don't think the View is big enough to do what I want, but it looks like a very good coach to learn on. I plan to rent a home and RV off and on for the next year and see what comes. I need better than 7-10 MPG if I want to go very far so the Sprinter chassis is what I've been focused on. Winnebago also makes a VIA on this chassis that is shaped like a Class A but is only 25' long. Reviews were talking about the large amounts of storage and general quality so that is what I will be looking at.
Coming home from picking up the coach in Albuquerque I spent three nites on the way home. The coach sleeps well, gets the advertised mileage and has plenty of room for me, food and gear for many days. Campgrounds come in all shapes and sizes so I need to learn a lot more about that but it will come.
Good luck on your search...that's my 5 cents.