Until recently I would have strongly recommended Nexus as a manufacturer. I have owned a Nexus 29V for several years and liked it enough that I now full-time in it, having installed a very pricey lithium battery system. Look me up and you will see I have said nice things in the past.
As part of the move to full time, I have needed to get a manufacturer's certificate of empty weight for registration in South Dakota. It has been the tortures of the damned. I have had over a dozen emails over the span of months to Nexus trying to get this simple document that South Dakota assures me NHTSA requires a manufacturer to provide all end users. The emails to the owners, Claude and David, bounced -- something that other Nexus owners experienced as well.
I have made countless phone calls- not happy with one vehicle registered in South Dakota and one not. The Motorhome registration expires soon and the lender is not happy having the title on loan to a third party On the Nexus phone tree, the selection for "service" sends you to a non-working number. If I get the operator, I typically got put into a full voicemail box. Finally scored and got put in an owner's voice mail and even that resulted in nothing. I even posted on the Nexus facebook site in hopes of getting a response.
So, I called Claude's home number.
However, this morning I also received a more than nasty phone call from an Nexus employee asking if I had bought directly from Nexus. When I said I hadn't he told me, "Missy" that if I did not buy direct from Nexus that Nexus did not feel itself obligated to provide any support, whatsoever, and that if I did not change my attitude, I wouldn't get my manufacturer's certificate, and if I did, I would get it in his own good sweet time. I did get the certification, but no response on another service issue where it appears that Nexus failed to install a necessary component.
I wrote Claude and David this morning after receiving this belligerent phone call to ascertain whether in fact it is Nexus' policy that second hand Nexus motorhomes are manufacturer orphans. I have received no response. Unless Nexus reverses this policy, I would have severe concerns about buying a Nexus, even new, as orphan status on the resale market is obviously a serious impairment to value. I had hoped for an apology for atrocious service (most of which had no bearing on whether I was a direct or second hand purchaser), but obviously that was not to be.
I am copying Claude and Dave with this response in case they wish to clarify Nexus' policy on orphaning second owner vehicles. I would suggest you obtain clarification from them on this point as well before purchase if you care about resale value.