Sounds like you have it going your way now. Update us on the low point temps. I have never seen any gains after three days of solid running at the max setting.
We saw like one degree rise in each box temps on our two door unit for every three degree rise in air temps say over 70F. Our freezer would hit like -10F at 70F but at 100F degrees it would rise to Zero. This is why a frig that will only get down to 40F on a 70F day will hit like 50F on a 100F day. This is just the nature of the technology. Cost to operate RV frig vs new type home model we learned is about 8X higher for the one in the RV. When it came time to replace the one in our house we got one 6 cubic feet larger and stopped used the one in the RV as a back up frig. It used less power than the that was 28 years old plus the savings of turning off the one in the RV. That being said I prefer on that will operate on propane since the MH is a back up home should we need it. A full tank of propane should should give us 4+ months of frig only time if we will run the generator or about as check just run the 454 for a fast recharge of house batteries so we have 12 vdc for the frig controls.