Forum Discussion

Dachristianman's avatar
Sep 15, 2015

Removing Carpet

I'm looking to remove and replace the carpet in the RV. It's time. I like to look and feel of new carpet in an RV.

My question is concerning removing the old carpet. The slide goes out to the edge of the RV, but the lip of the slide won't allow me the space to get under it to remove the old carpet. I climbed under the outside of the slide when it was extended and I see a black plastic lip, and if I peel back the lip (seal?), I can see the edge of the carpet, but how is the carpet attached to the edge and how does it come free?

Any help and advice is appreciated, however, "let a professional do it" as never been my way, although many times it would have been financially cheaper in the long run. I enjoy the adventure of learning how things are assembled, so I'll tackle this myself.

It's a 2001 Winnebago Adventurer, 33' with a single slide.

Thanks in advance.

  • pull the rubber seal down from under the slide and the edge is stapled. pry the staples up and it will pull out
  • I know, we just replaced our carpet with bamboo click flooring. I think the carpet/tile/vinyl is installed before anything else. then the walls, cabinets, appliances, and slides.

    I don't know what type of slides you have but on ours I could put them about 7/8's out and get to the edge of the installed carpet at the point the slide drops level to the floor. I could cut, pull, pry, and swear but got it all out.

    The problem with replacing the carpet is you can't get to the edge to staple the new carpet in. I used a glue down installation for the bamboo so I just spread the glue to the edge and set the wood cut to 45 degrees on the edge for clearance on the slide. Possibly you could apply glue to the last 2-3 inches and the glue would hold it in place without staples.

    Good Luck