Have owned 4 Dynamax units over last eight years260St,264St,302ST and now a Grandsport 360GT. Until we got the 360GT Grandsport I felt the Dynamax units were terrific riding, handling & performing units relative to other Class C units I had driven. The ST units all on M2 Lite Chassis. 19.5 Inch Tires. The Grandsport on the Columbia chassis equipped with 22.5 in Tires is a greatly improved ride and handling unit. All units have been subjected to same routes to Midwest and West Coast-Mtns, Roads. Put 10-12K mi ea on all ST units and a little over 25K on GrSprt so far. I have have been told the biggest reason for superior ride and handling is size of tires. The good news is for you if you are looking at the XL-Dynaquest they are all built on M2 Heavy Chassis with 22.5 Tires, tho I cannot speak to that from personal experience. Hope this info a help in your eventual purchase. SS