Forum Discussion

RetiredTVguy's avatar
May 20, 2013

Replacement Tires

It is time to replace the six tires on my 2005 Winnebago Journey diesel pusher. It came with Michelin XRV 255/80R 22.5 tires. Does anyone have experience replacing the Michelin tires with the same size Hankook tires. They are around $200 less expensive per tire.
  • When we had our 2002 Journey, I replaced the 255/80 XRV's with 275/70 and they worked fine. Hankook has the 275/80 in their AH-12 line and they are a very good tire.
  • I replaced my Michelin's with Hankooks a couple years ago. So far I love them! I even went back and had Hankooks put on my SUV. The ride is smooth and quiet!
  • I just went with 6 new Sumitomo 275 X 70R X 22.5 to replace my Michelins. FAR superior ride, better handling, quieter, load range higher and six were about $2,200.00.

    Just got home Wednesday from 3,000 mile trip and couldn't be happier with the Sumis.

    '05 Itasca Meridian 36G
  • Fleet Man wrote:
    I believe the 255/80R22.5 is a size designation used only by Michelin but I could be wrong. Many of us have replaced those with 265/75R22.5 tires made by other manufacturers since they are almost identical in revolutions per mile (541 rpm) and do not require a speedometer adjustment. Bridgestone, Toyo and others offer the 265 tires. Using other than Michelins does not seem to be a problem for most, I recently went with Bridgestone R250F's on ours and am quite satisfied.

    Just a point of interest, my tire guru tells me that the Michelin sizes seem unique but it's because they measure their casings from the inside, while the other manufacturers measure from the outside. BTW I just replaced my Michelins with Sumitomos and so far they are great.
  • I believe the 255/80R22.5 is a size designation used only by Michelin but I could be wrong. Many of us have replaced those with 265/75R22.5 tires made by other manufacturers since they are almost identical in revolutions per mile (541 rpm) and do not require a speedometer adjustment. Bridgestone, Toyo and others offer the 265 tires. Using other than Michelins does not seem to be a problem for most, I recently went with Bridgestone R250F's on ours and am quite satisfied.
  • I would prefer the Hankook tires myself. I don't have any actual experience with the Hankook in that size, but I run them on my car.

    I replaced my xrv 255x80x22.5 with Sumitomo 727 series tires in the 275/70R22.5 size. Tire is slightly wider, new tires make 549 revs/mile where the old tires made 541 revs/mile. If you change sizes you'll have to check rim width, dual spacing, & rim pressure rating. I went up one load range rating, and now can run less air pressure for a better ride.
