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Jones1's avatar
May 31, 2013

Replacement Tires

Hello All
Might I ask for some tire advice?
I have a '99 dsdp that has 275/70R22.5 tires on the front (Michelins) and 255/80R22.5 on the rear.The 275s on the front due to a recall by Newmar due to the did not have enough load rating.I now need to replace all the tires and all the tire dealers in Birmingham, al. say the Michelin 255s are out of stock and Michlin has no est. delv. schedule. I would like to replace all the tires with the 275/70R22.5 and am wondering if any with this coach has done this withot any problems. I am concerned about the dual spacing on the rear.
I am considering using Firestone FS560 275/70R22.5 all around
Any advive /comments most appreciated
Thanks and have a blessed day
Roy Jones
  • Roy, if your a FMCA member (costs $50.00 to join) you can qualify for large discounts on tires from the Michelin Advantage Tire Program, don't know if your aware of that or not. I'm waiting for my 22.5's to get here (Washington State) there back ordered and the tire shop told me there being shipped down from Canada this Thursday. My last set were made in South Carolina! A local dealer priced Michelins at $506.00 per tire. Through the FMCA Program my price is going to be $378.00 that's a big savings. Thanks to Michelin and FMCA for making one of the best tires affordable. On website there is a chart on there website that tells you how far up or down that you can go with tire sizes and keep the proper spacing. Good Luck to you in your search.
  • Thanks to all that replied. Question was ask if the "H" rating of the Firestone 275/70 was comparable to the Newmar recall. The Michelin 275/70 has a rating of "J" and the Firestone has a rating of "H".
    I am going to check with Freightliner Monday and ask what the wheel width is. Hopefully they have the wheel width (7.5 OR 8.25)
    Again,Thanks to all
  • I have 275/70/22.5 Michelins on my coach. I tried to find Hankook tires and did so but they were rated one letter less than the same size Michelin. I was told by two different dealers that the Hankooks would be fine and per their factory weight chart I would just have to inflate them to 130 psi. I went with Michelin's.
  • A few years(10-2008) back we went from 255 by 70 to 275 by 70 and haven't had any trouble so far..Mike Mathews..
  • Am going 22.5 Firestone all the way around this summer. They are getting rav reviews from the commercial trucking outfits. Local dealer says Bridgestone has put better engineering into the Firestone line than they are on their Bridgestone line. The added plus is that they are USA made!!!

    But is the H load range rating of the FS560 comparable to the Newmar recall rating?
  • You will have no problem with the spacing! Buy whatever You can afford. You will never wear them out!
  • bluwtr49 wrote:
    smlranger wrote:
    Highly recommend Hankook AH-12. They have them in 275/70/22.5. Good tire and priced very competitively.

    Yep, same here. Changed my 10yo Toyos and have been extremely pleased.

    If I'm not mistaken, Hankook is one of very few tires that have not received any negative comments in MH use.

    Except for the ones that don't own them. I have little baby AH 11 19.5s on the rv and 22ich Hankooks on the Suburban.
  • smlranger wrote:
    Highly recommend Hankook AH-12. They have them in 275/70/22.5. Good tire and priced very competitively.

    Yep, same here. Changed my 10yo Toyos and have been extremely pleased.

    If I'm not mistaken, Hankook is one of very few tires that have not received any negative comments in MH use.
  • Another vote for the Hankook AH-12 in 275/70R22.5. That is what I am running and very satisfied with them.

    Monaco did the same thing with their tire size in that era and there has been no problems changing to the 275 tires. Go for it.
  • Highly recommend Hankook AH-12. They have them in 275/70/22.5. Good tire and priced very competitively.