winnehonda wrote:
Reserve America! What a joke and ripoff. All reservations now charge $6.70 and subject us to an almost mandatory extra charge of Active America or something like that. This used to be a free service! Thoughts? How can this charge be avoided?
I liked it better when CG's were first come first served. The only way to get around it is camping during the week. All the sites are booked on the week ends. I use Reserve America to see what is available during the week for local camping in SP's then show up and stay usually 2 -3 days. When traveling out of state most NF CG's still have some first come first served sites along with Reserve America sites. Although less and less as years go by. Some SP's keep a few site off of Reserve America for people that travel or breakdown. I think if you are still working RA works well, for retired folks that were used to getting a site on Thursday or Friday and checking out Monday not so much.