Forum Discussion

winnehonda's avatar
Apr 11, 2016

Reserve America

Reserve America! What a joke and ripoff. All reservations now charge $6.70 and subject us to an almost mandatory extra charge of Active America or something like that. This used to be a free service! Thoughts? How can this charge be avoided?
  • I agree with both Teamfour and Corky 12. We use RA very often to stay in SC state parks. Have always had the option to decline the join a club/group option. Have always been able to transfer a reservation rather than be subject to any cancellation fee. Works well for us.
  • dcg9381 wrote:
    This is how governmental entities without proper budget get stuff done. It's just like a toll road. Don't like it? Give them budget to buy/build software.

    RA handles reservations for hundreds of private parks/systems as well as government entities.
  • I for one love RA and use it constantly. The reservation fee is very reasonable. I recently had to cancel a one week stay in a state park and it only cost $5. Try to get that kind of cancellation deal when dealing with a private campground. I have yet to encounter the mandatory "join a club" requirement. The site does encourage you to do that, but at the bottom of the offer you have the option to decline.
  • This is how governmental entities without proper budget get stuff done. It's just like a toll road. Don't like it? Give them budget to buy/build software.
  • RA has always charged a fee, that's why they're in business. What has changed is the number of parks or park systems that have chosen to pass the charge on to the users instead of absorbing it into the per visit rate as they did in the past. The problem isn't with RA, it's with the clients that have found a way to increase their rates without appearing to do so. Note too, that the reservation fee varies from state to state and park system to park system, because they set the additional fee, not RA. If what they add on does not cover RA's fee, then the difference is deducted from the per site fee. The same holds true for cancellation and other RA fees. The additional offers when making a reservation are easily avoided simply by paying attention to each page rather than blindly clicking on through.
  • Unfortunately a few people making reservations every weekend of the season as soon as the window opened then cancelling a few days beforehand make the cancellation fees necessary. Once again "It's all about me."
  • Unfortunately many state parks ( and others) are using Reserve America (RA) to handle reservations to avoid the costs/hassles associated with the staffing and hardware and software to do their own. Even if you call the state park directly or walkup to make a reservation, they seem to go through RA. I don't mind the reservation fee, but it frosts me no end the fees associated with cancelling one.