I ran into this twice one at a Kentucky rest area and a Georgia rest area. The first time a guy comes to me and says a guy down between trucks won the lottery and was giving away some money. I went down and they were doing the three card game with the guy moving the cards so slow you had to win. The guy told me go ahead and play he will let you win. I saw what was going on and told him I left my billfold at the motorhome which I did and would be right back I didn't return.
The next time a few years later a different guy approached me while I was cleaning the motorhome windshield I told him I would be down later. Well he walks over to a car and a young man follows him down. A while later a cop pulls in and parks beside the car where the young man was so I walked over to see what had happened. The young guy's shirt was torn up and he told the cop about what had happened was he pulled his billfold out and three guys jumped him and took his billfold and ran off with all his vacation money, His wife and kids where in the car crying. So stay away from these people.