From the above thread, this was my post:
We have a 24' and a CRV toad. Both with and without have advantages and disadvantages
With toad you can drive around and sight see using the MH as a base. You might even make up the gas milage you lose towing (for us, about a mile per gallon). You can go to places the MH won't fit, metro downtowns for one example.
The downside, while towing, you might not be able to stop at the little cafe, or the quilt store DW just spotted. Gas stations take some planning to get in and out. You bought the 24 footer because it was easy to handle, now you're driving a 34 footer.
Here's the test we did before getting the toad. We picked a fav campground a few hours from home. My wife followed in our regular car. We liked it so we went ahead with the hitching up. Luckily, we already had the CRV.
The one thing about having a toad is you have the option of taking or leaving it and thats how we roll.
BTW - I really wanted a motorcycle, but Mama said no way was she going to ride on the back!