As a fellow Cal driver, with over 100,000 RV miles under my belt, that is currently waiting for the winds to subside to reasonable levels before I continue to head west, I'm going to throw a few things out. First is, there are days when it's just too windy to drive. Second, is that, while I've certainly hit winds in Cal that slowed me down (and I do make it a point of driving certain passes such as Cajon and Tehachapi early in the day before the summer afternoon winds kick up) I'm beginning to suspect that Cal winds don't gust like, for instance, Texas winds do. Passing trucks, however, don't move our gas Class A at all usually. I'd suggest you do what I'm going to do when I get back to our home base area. Find a knowledgeable service center and talk to them about serious solutions. Ours is a 2012 37' Winnebago.