Forum Discussion

kioticoachman's avatar
Nov 29, 2018

Roadside Assistance Plans??

Would like some input & assistance on what our Forum Family can provide on what you have found to be the Best & Affordable Roadside Assistance Plans offered?

Have two (2) autos & one (1) small motorhome that should be covered. Either separately or All together on one Plan. Not sure of the most affordable way to approach this? Any an all your suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much for taking the time to assist this old SC. KC
  • We've had AAA for many years with RV plus coverage. Handles all our vehicles. Some here wiill try to lead you away from them. We've used them without any problems. They're great as you can use their vacation services, planning, get maps and info, etc. I think in the urban areas they shine but might get sketchy further out.

    We also have coach net. Tried to use them one time during a hot summer late Sunday afternoon. Had a tire with a softball size bulge. They quoted a 3 hour wait time just to change it with our spare. There were two towns in the area 15 minutes away. I jacked up the fifth wheel and changed it myself. Didn't want to wait. But I still have it just in case I need it. Supposedly it will tow me farther than AAA if needed.
  • there both good ,I prefer CN , but a lot of the problems you read on here start with a bad service person on the phone ,if they don,t really know there job you get the hit.and some of there contracted tow companies just don,t care.
  • I have and had GS Roadside for many years and have had very good success with them. I also have AAA for more car type issues, even though my GS covers cars. When looking for one to cover your RV, to me it comes down to where the company will tow you to. How far or to where it seem GS covers towing to the first place that will repair.
  • kioticoachman wrote:
    Would like some input & assistance on what our Forum Family can provide on what you have found to be the Best & Affordable Roadside Assistance Plans offered?

    Have two (2) autos & one (1) small motorhome that should be covered. Either separately or All together on one Plan. Not sure of the most affordable way to approach this? Any an all your suggestions would be very much appreciated. Thank you very much for taking the time to assist this old SC. KC

    IMHO, I have had the "Good sam" emergency road side platinum plan and the Good Sam Travel assist + plan. This plan will drive your rig back to your home if you are medically unable to drive for medical reasons especially if your partner does not drive your RV. In 20 yrs. it has never failed to provide the assistance when I am on the road
  • My suggestion is to first check what is available through your auto and RV insurance. Often they include certain roadside services within the plan. They may also have additional services you can sign up for. It's also possible that your auto or RV insurance may already have a discount program with one of the named brand services.

    What will help is to make a list of the major types of service (towing, tire and battery service, breakdown hotel reimbursement, rental car, etc) and check off what each has. Don't look at price or make price a item as you want to focus on the level of service.

    Once you narrow it down to the top picks based on your needs, check the common complaints. You may find repeated common complaints on an issue that is not something you're willing to compromise on. If a company lacks something you really desire, you may never be happy with them.

    once you decide a specific plan is what you want, see if the price works for you. If the price is acceptable for what you are getting, that's your decision. If the price is too steep (not just more) go to the next best company and hopefully their lower price and lesser service is now suitable.
  • rk911 wrote:
    two big players are Coachnet and Hood Sam ERS. EZ to compare and each has their proponents and detractors. we've had GoodSam ETS FIR 32-yrs now and have been satisfied with them. others will sing the praise of Coachnet. IMO its a classic ford v chevy, less filling v tastes great, ginger v mary ann or jennifer v bailey argument. compare prices and benefits and this forum is rife with reviews and opinions on road service. IMO the only bad choice would be a road service provider that requires you to find and call service and then will reimburse you. good hunting.

    Thank you! Has anybody had or heard of the AARP Allstate Motor Roadside Assistance Plan? I believe Allstate offers this Plan to AARP members?
  • two big players are Coachnet and Hood Sam ERS. EZ to compare and each has their proponents and detractors. we've had GoodSam ETS FIR 32-yrs now and have been satisfied with them. others will sing the praise of Coachnet. IMO its a classic ford v chevy, less filling v tastes great, ginger v mary ann or jennifer v bailey argument. compare prices and benefits and this forum is rife with reviews and opinions on road service. IMO the only bad choice would be a road service provider that requires you to find and call service and then will reimburse you. good hunting.