Forum Discussion

Tanya6520's avatar
Mar 23, 2014

Roadtrek creeper

After driving 3 hours, pulled in to a Raceway to fill up with diesel. Down a half tank. Vehicle would barely move onto the road. Sputtered once. Continued to drive, but not far. Stopped at the mall. Sat with the ignition on to run air. Pulled into traffic and it would barely move. Couldn't hardly get up the tiny bank to park in our spot and my experience in snow got us on to the levelers. We were headed to Freightliner to get the ignition looked at because it takes 3 tries to get it to start. Any ideas or suggestions? We are 20 miles from Freightliner.
  • Yes a 2008 Sprinter. And yes There must not be a stick to check it. Looked everywhere.
  • I'm assuming this is a Sprinter? I think I read once on here that the Sprinter transmission doesn't have a dipstick for checking fluid level. I can't think that would cause hard starting anyway.

    Jim, "Hello! Incontinence Hotline! Can you hold, please?"
  • Filters were changed at last service 2 months ago. Wondering if the transmission fluid is low, but can't find info in manual.