Now I use electronic sound devicesJ-Rooster wrote:
I had a squirell get into my genset many years ago and chew up the wiring harness. I don't like using bait traps because it attracts rodents to your coach. But I do use them once I know there inside. Now I use electronic sound devices (at least 2 of them) and, I took one day off bought a lot of course steel wool pulled out every drawer in the coach and anywhere else where I could get to a runway or cubby hole and stuffed it with very coarse steel wool! I haven't had a problem since. Good Luck to you and sorry to hear about your problem!
Do you think those electronic devices work? I ordered a set of 6 from HSN a month or so ago when they were the Today Special because we have pets and kids. So far so good but we're just entering our wet season here in Wisconsin so it's really too soon to tell.
I had one left over so I put it out in the Allegro Bus. I put it up front in the outlet at the passenger seat. If I had an outlet in the bedroom I'd put another one there but I don't see an outlet back there. I don't want one over the table because they blink and if you put one in the bathroom it would only be effective in that space because they say they shouldn't be blocked by doors or furniture. I guess I could leave the bath door open.