I have to use the glue traps in my garage in California. Before I started using the traps, I found a nest in one of the cars after the car started to run hot. The nest was built between the radiator and the electric fans. I had to take the car into the shop. They had to remove the radiator to clean out all of the debris the mice built in there.
The glue traps are good because you can see anything else that might be crawling in the garage (lizards, spiders, all types of bugs, etc.) Once, when I had the garage door open, a bird flew in and landed on the glue trap. If an unexpected critter gets on the glue trap, using something like Wesson Oil will free the critter. I was able to get the bird off of the trap and it flew away. The traps have a few pellets of something in the middle to attract a mouse (and birds apparently).
We go through stages of not have a problem then boom, I'm replacing several traps a week. We also have snakes in the area, bobcats, etc. Sometimes we have an abundance of rabbits eating the grass then none for a couple of years. Cycle of life I guess.