Forum Discussion

03_Cobra_sb's avatar
Jul 06, 2013


Looked in search, read lots of post. Would like to get updated on what works best for Rodents repellent in MH. Seems to be that different repellents work for some and not others. We are going to dry camp with our Class C MH in high altitude in Colorado. will be leaving it park all summer. Would like to know what really works. It seems to be different in every part of the County. Thank you for your help.
  • David R wrote:
    I filled the holes with steel wool and they have never come back. Still park it in the same storage lot.

    My fatehr did same thing per recommendation from dealer service center. Cat.....good idea. funny! But teh entry areas wtih traps and steel wool.
  • Park right next to a cat colony. When you see a cat zooming under your rig and coming out with a big fat rat in their jaws, you know that they are doing their job.

    Steel wool and expanding foam insulation can't hurt. Make sure to get stainless steel wool else it will rust to powder.
  • we have used moth balls in the past. Also parked on concrete or gravel - no grass.
  • X2 Fresh Cab. Expensive and you have to replace it often, but it works in my house, sheds and in the RV.
  • I filled the holes with steel wool and they have never come back. Still park it in the same storage lot.
  • Have used Cab Fresh for 2yrs now. No Mice. Prior to putting that in,cought 5 with traps. Still set the traps ,just in case when M>H>
    going set for more than a month.