Forum Discussion

ThorResidencyNe's avatar
Jun 30, 2014

Roof coating - what a process!!

This weekend I decided to recoat my roof with the Dicor EPDM product. What a nightmare this turned out to be. I followed the directions and cleaned off the roof. I removed all A/C, hatch, fridge etc covers and then masked off the entire RV with high quality blue painters tape. Then covered the entire RV with drop cloths. I sprayed the Dicor step 1 activator and waited 15 minutes before using a stiff brush and a hose to wash it off. Unfortunately, even though I was very careful with the hose, the tape and plastic drop cloths peeled off the RV. I didn't notice this for a few minutes and when i did I sprayed the side of the RV. I ended up having to rewash the entire RV. After drying I noticed streaks/stains on the driver side and a few on the passenger side. I scrubbed the sides, but the streaks did not come off. I'm hoping some rubbing compound/polish will take them out because I don't want to do the entire ZEP process again.

Anyways, I then coated the roof with the Dicor white EPDM paint. I edged around everything and it seemed like a put on 2 fairly heavy coats of the coating (per the instructions). However, I barely used 2 gallons. My RV is 37' long, has fiberglass end caps that cover about 2 feet on each end, 3 large skylights, 3 ceiling vents/hatches, 1 fridge vent, 1 bathroom vent and 1 antenna. I was told that the coverage was 125 sq feet and that I needed to buy 4 gallons to be safe. Not sure if I did something wrong, but it ended up looking good. In the before photo, I never noticed those lines in the roof before. Anyways, any suggestions or comments on the lines or the fact that I only used 2 gallons? Do I need to do a third coat or can I just touch up this as needed?


  • I purchased 3 gallons and used 2-1/2 gallons on a 31' Hurricane. I did two coats. I only mixed 1/2 of the last gallon.
  • Can you give me your email address? I have a buddy who is fixing to apply and would welcome your advice.
  • 17 YEAR Old RV. THAT is pretty good looking. BUT, the fact remains, that if you need roof coatings, the EPDM is worn out and needs replaced. Roof Coatings on an EPDM roof are just like Lipstick on a Pig. You are just delaying the replacement of the EPDM. Doug
  • I pressure washed mine then coated it the
    Next day in the sunlight. No problems.
    I used Bus Kote but that should work with
    Dicor too. Did primer and two Coats in the Sun it drys
    Quick. I also used blue tape.
  • I did the same thing. My tape and plastic fell off before I even started. I just wet the sides then hosed the roof then hosed the sides again. I purchased four gallons also and have a full gallon and maybe a quart in another. I would call Dicor before putting on another coat. After the first two coats are applied like the directions say I believe there is a wating period before another coat can be applied. I had a few bubbles in mine that went away after a few days.
  • Thanks for the comments. I don't expect much hail, but I will probably get the occasional branch etc. Does anyone know if I can just clean the roof in the future and add another coat or is there a more extensive process? I only added 2 coats per the Dicor instructions.

  • Looks as good as one I did with liquid roof a few years ago.
  • It looks good to me, at least better than mine but then I only wash mine on some great occasion.