It being a voltage drop in the morning doesn't make sense. It's only been in the 70's in the mornings and a lot of folks AC's aren't running. BTW I have a 30amp system and the site I'm on is set up to run either 30 or 50amps. I'm plugged into the 30amp outlet.
Johno02, I've been wondering about the gagdity thermostat my RV has and have wished it were something simpler. Right now my bedroom AC only works off the generator (but that's a different story) the reason I brought it up is that I think a bad thermostat might be the problem with the bedroom AC.
I purchased this old gurl very cheap, mainly because it's a rolling monument to what bad/no maintenance can do to a machine over time. I haven't had to spend a lot so far, mainly because whenever possible I'll repair things before I replace them.