Caulk becomes dry over time. Caulk made for rv or marine use is more uv resistant than household caulks.
Depending on who caulked it last will determine how long it will take to become dry. As said , dried caulk has cracks in it. It also feels more brittle than new caulk which expands and contracts with weather.
If i were buying a used rv, i would inspect and apply a fresh coat of proper rv roof caulk. That way you know what you have and its done correctly snd more important, with the correct caulk. Some people will use dollar store garbage to dress it up to sell it do it appears to be well maintained.
Inspect all seams on rv sides and cabover area as well.
I would be looking at a class c with a fiberglass cabover cap like the SS 2018 and up has. Cabovers are notorious leakers. That is why some people prefer a full fiberglass cabover thats smaller , only housing an entertainment center instead of a queen bed. Its also more aerodynamic and can drive better in crosswind conditions. See Coach House or Phoenix Cruiser type models. Coach House are molded fiberglass , less seams to deal with. A lot less.
The roof , flat surfaces, uses a self leveling caulk like Dicor. That works for the roof vents , tv antenna and plumbing vent as well. You have to use an rv cleaning product to prepare those seams prior to caulking. Dicor also makes a cleaner but you can use other products, ask for advice about that. A very important step is the prep.
On vertical seams many people use Proflex RV in ‘Brite White ‘ which does not yellow as ‘White ‘ does.
I have been using 3m 4200 or 4000 marine sealant on my rv and find it much easier to apply than the popular Proflex and it lasts longer regarding uv breakdown.
There are many ‘youtube’ videos and how to caulk a boat or rv. After you put down the bead of caulk, you can spray it with an alcohol base cleaner then smooth it over using your wet gloved finger. The caulk will not stick to the freshly sprayed cleaner and will wipe right off. The caulk will only remain on the dry surface which its already covering. That makes the job so much easier.
Good luck, hope this info helps,