Forum Discussion

derh2o's avatar
Sep 17, 2013

Running gen for 10 minutes

Looking at my Onan generator manual, it says i should run it for a minimum of 1/2 hour each time I started it. My wife would like to run it from 5-10 minutes to blow dry her hair. Or, put something in the micro for a couple minutes. Assuming most generators are similar, do you run it for short periods of time, and if so, have you had any problems with it?
  • Good question.

    But answers will fall into the "what I got away with" rather than "best practices".

    Can you start any engine and shut it off before it reaches operating temperature? Sure. But if the oil is not brought up to operating temperature, moisture will accumulate in the crankcase. Over time that will shorten the life of the engine. Same for driving all moisture out of the electrical part of the generator.

    So, yes you can do it, but much better if you can combine use of 120 VAC to get closer to that 50% load and minimum of 30 minutes.
  • mines 6yrs old wife starts it for coffee ,hair dryer etc ,never had a problem. its there to use ,so we do. do the maintance and you,ll be fine.
  • Just because the wife wants to is no reason to start second guessing equipment manuals. RVs are a little more complicated than what she is used to doing at home... and those differences should be recognized and respected. Not doing so will cost you money, plain and simple. In the case of short runs on an engine, it will build condensation that will not have sufficient time to dissipate because it is not coming up to operating temperature. On the other hand, eventually replacing a generator is way cheaper and easier than living with an unhappy wife. :)
  • I never run my generator for just a few minutes unless its really necessary. I prefer to let it run for at least 15 mins so that its completly at operating temperature before shutting down.