reinforce one storage bay, preferably mid-ship. use all-thread rod, or welded angle iron from the chassis/frame to below the bay floor, put angle iron and marine plywood under the bay floor supported by the new supports
stuff that with batteries i would go at least 6 (aka 3 pairs) or maybe 8
this would give 600-800 or more AmpHrs
we had 665 AmpHrs of AGM battery in our previous coach and powered a residential fridge, but it only drew 100w and a 40% duty cycle
the O2 concentrator is the biggest concern and the biggest power user
4*120v 480w, that a 40amp load using 12v battery bank to power an inverter
that only 20 hrs continuous load until dead, or 10 hours (aka overnight) until an 800Amphr bank is at 50%
you could double that to 1600 ampHrs (16*6v) and have 24hrs safety margin
but i think, you are going to need to depend on the generator if you loose power for more than 4-6 hours
traveling and short stops from inverter or genny as needed
parked/camped shore power with automatic inverter switch over when shore power drops out, then switch to genny as soon as possible, don't wait until batteries are low
i don't think you can carry enough battery for 2-3 days of powering her O2 concentrator