wa8yxm wrote:
You said "And drive it back to CA"
Check the license requirements in CA.. I do not know what they are and thus can not advise but I have read some "Concerns" and "Warnings" to Californians about licensing requirements.
As for the other 49 states: Each state sets their own limits on what a regular "Operators" license as we from Michigan call it, can drive... In my case, with my motor home, I am legal.
Since I am legal in my HOME STATE (The one that is named on my license) I am legal in all 51 "States" (Washington DC is not a state which is why I put "States" in quotes) and a few other places as well (Canada, Mexico, US Possessions) but as I said, the rules for a resident of CA, may be different.
In CA any motor home >40' and not over 45' requires a non-commercial Class B and a health questionnaire. In NV any motor home >26,000# requires a non-commercial Class B. The coach the OP is picking up is 42', so in either case he needs a non-commercial Class B, which would then make him legal in any state or jurisdiction he may drive through.