balfre1946 wrote:
OK this has gotten very confusing with replies, for which we are grateful, getting of the topic. It is not about money it is about not having to unhook the RV and drive it out to get propane then drive it back..back in our permanent site and rehook ..we LIVE in our RV, we are not traveling. We use microwave or ELECTRIC water kettle. We also use hot plates and toaster ovens. In 4 years we have never used the RV oven once and now never use the RV stove top. Just curious for the shower whether to keep the propaae heating ( it is now in the 40s at night) or just 15 minutes before a shower.
Do you have a water heater that is both electric and gas? If so then just turn off your propane since you obviously are worried about how much the water heater is going to use and heat the water with electricity which is provided on most RV parks. This should not be such a big issue. And if you have a water heater that is just gas then I would just let it start automatically as needed. Water heaters are pretty well insulated to retain the heat for several hours