Forum Discussion

TropicalRV's avatar
Aug 29, 2015

RV Toilete paper

How many of you are using anything other than "RV" toilet paper. I'm sick of paying $5.00 for the RV stuff that has lousy tear strength and fall apart in your hands. I think we're being ripped off.
  • TropicalRV wrote:
    How many of you are using anything other than "RV" toilet paper. I'm sick of paying $5.00 for the RV stuff that has lousy tear strength and fall apart in your hands. I think we're being ripped off.

    Absolutely it's a ripoff! Four pack of 4 small rolls of Coleman toilet paper for $4.99? I have found that regular Walmart single-ply works perfectly (less than $2.00/4pack).

    They say (I've never tried it), put a sheet of the tissue that you want to use in a glass of water, it if starts to disintegrate, it's OK for your system.

    Use regular TP, you'll be fine.

  • Plain old Charmin Ultra here. Never had a problem draining the black tank...
  • 30 years RVing in rigs between us (one year fulltiming this last year).....never used the spendy stuff. We use Northern.
  • We use regular household TP as long as it states its septic tank safe you'll be fine. We have been using it while full timing for 3 years with no problems. Just make sure you keep the black tank valve closed and don't scrimp on water for the flush.