You can get some real good HIGH END DELL and HP LAPTOP deals on HSN and QVC on TV. The will have extended payment plans and also offer a pretty good list of additional software...
I got setup recently with a great DELL INSPIRON WIN 8.1 LAPTOP with lots of RAM and a hugh hard drive for around $600 with six easy payments...
Carrying your laptop with you everywhere is great. I use the DOCKING concept and just pull the laptop from the house and sit it into the docking station in the RV. Don't have to change a thing... Everything I have is right there at both locations.
In my OFF-ROAD POPUP I have a docking station setup that includes double monitors with ext keyboard and mouse and sound. I use this trailer for emergency comms for Ham Radio for WX alerts and county radio alerts so having an identical setup with the same thing in the house is important. Of course you don't get to see alot with two 24-inch DELL monitors in a POPUP setup complete with printer with lots of antennas around the outside area haha...
Normally the computer setup will be in a space savings mode...
I don't like to tie up my cellphone to be a HOTSPOT but it does have some things that may work out better like maybe more GBs DATAPLAN being included.
We use the MIFI unit like described above and this creates a secured HOTSPOT and allows up to five WIFI enabled devices we have like the tablets ets...
Being on the VERIZON this works just about everywhere we go.
Roy Ken