I use my tiny hp spectre notebok as my primary computer, evrywhere I go.
In my real office that means a 30" hdmi monitor and full size wireless kbd and mouse.
For the moho I have asmaller bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
If I need it, I have a 20' hdmmi cable I can plug into either of the cooaches big televisions.
I use a hawking HW2R1 router to create my own wifi. With an external antenna on the roof, it give pretty good range, and has the advantage of never having to change the "internal" setup, the printer and computers are always connected to it.
If I cannot get useable wifi, we hotspoot one of our phoones and connect it to that.
For the phones we have a wilson amp and external antenna, loooking to upgrade that, it is only 3G.
Verizon has a new feature that allows thier smartphones to talk and data at the same time. This is a free downloaded proogram you can get from verizon's website.