Whether or now to winterize will be dependent on just how low and how often you see storage temps below freezing. I've never winterized either our TT's or our MH's but our winter temps are mild with lows only going down to the mid-teens.
Typically a MH is much better insulated than a TT so the storage becomes simpler and the tanks are generally in an enclosed bay rather than out in the open as on a TT. The type of heat you have also makes a difference. For example, our MH's both have had hydronic heating so all I had to do was set the thermostat for 45, plug it into power and than just check it periodically. The water bay will have it's own heater and thermostat so that concern goes away. If you have the luxury of having the RV at the house it's even better. All you have to do is turn on the heat as necessary.
We use our MH periodically during the winter. On cold days I turn on the Hydro Hot engine preheat a couple of hours before departure just to make engine starting easier. Also the engine waste heat can be used to heat the coach while driving.....a big plus.
Good luck with your decision.