Cecilt wrote:
2 options I would do with #1 being the most practical, easiest, quickest and won't leave you wondering if you did a good winterization after each trip:
1) Winterize in October as you normally do. Bring water with you to wash dishes, brush teeth, drink, flush toilet. You can boil water on the stove if you want hot water to wash dishes. Don't need the HWH at all nor fresh water tank. Shower in the bathhouse if needed. All you need to do in this scenario after every trip is dump the tanks, add some RV antifreeze to the traps and toilet and park it.
2) Winterize in October. Future trips in winter use the camper as if it were summer. Re-winterize after each trip(blow out the lines would be the best, add Rv antifreeze to traps, etc). To me, this would be too much work for a weekend winter trip and I would not bother
What equipment is needed to blow out the lines?