Your profile shows you in Arlington. Is that in the state of Washington or back east? If in Washington state, you can go RV'ing pretty much all year 'round. I'd say tho that an truck/camper is maybe best, for the often unpredictable weather. The winter storms and so on, can make travel 'interesting' and a one piece unit, will be a much more nimble vehicle. I wouldn't choose a big A..the sheer size makes handling an issue. But..they would sure be comfortable. I have a 4x4 C that will take on anything winter can throw at it,'d have to bear the cost of having that done.
Some of this is dependant on how many people. Two? Most anything will work well, if you get some planning done. Most State parks are closed, so it's private or boondocking and for winter? You really do want the luxury of plug-in power for a heater, etc. If you have more than Man...the idea is sweet but the reality may not be.
All that I have typed is if you in the PNW..if you are back east? I think you may be hooped.
Gary Haupt