Hi Katie,
Cold weather camping:
1. We use a double wide sleeping bag. Its surprising how much warmer it is with two bodies in one bag and its nice to cuddle on a cold night. Also easier to make up the bed.
2. Wear a wool night cap and socks. If my head and feet are warm then I am toasty.
3. Use a blanket to cover the opening to the cab. A lot of heat escapes though the front.
4. Turn the thermostat up just enough to keep pipes from freezing...about 45 degrees.
5. Have a plan B....always good to have a plan B
Love camping in a motorhome. Makes it much easier to have a plan B. If it gets too snowy or batteries run down then just move to a warmer place or a campground with electricity.
Many rental motorhomes come with a generator but they charge for its use by the hour so you might want to limit the amount of time you have to run it.
If you have a problem there are usually some fellow RVers that would be happy to help.
Hope you have a great time.