Forum Discussion

Baja_Man's avatar
Oct 26, 2016

Safety Cones - Do you carry them?

Was considering carrying 3-4 of the orange safety cones aboard my RV. To be used in the event of a flat or breakdown. Place these behind RV between driver's side and side of highway/road at an angle moving away from RV. Are the 18" tall ones with reflective tape adequate?

Like this one:

  • I carry a pop-up cone. Can't remember where I purchased it, I think in Quartsite many years ago. Seldom used it. However, on the way back from an Oregon Rally I saw a fellow rallyer needing roadside service. I stopped, all was well, but I left him with one of our cones. I also keep a couple of collapsible triangles in the coach. I think a full size cone would take up too much room in the rig.
  • Can not speak for all the states but most including CA the triangles are required by law for any vehicle over 80" in width. BTW all duallys are over 80" in width so whether solo or with camper or pulling any trailer would have to carry them. SRW pulling trailers over 80" in width need to have them in TV or towed unit.
  • I carry the cones that collapse Like these
    They are easy to store and are lighted and reflective.

    As a trucker we were required to carry the triangles,and I used them many times,the problem with them is they often would be blown over or moved by passing traffic. These were the commercial type and were very heavy,not like the ones that you can buy on Amazon,the cones did not seem to have that problem,I carried both.
  • I haul around the foldup reflective triangles. They seem to be popular with the real trucks.
  • I carry 2 small cones and a set of triangles. Sometimes I use the cones for a marker when backing in or if the rv happens to be sticking out a little more in a parking lot.
  • No, much prefer the fold out reflective triangles. They take up less room and I think they reflect better and don't blow over as easy. I carry two kits giving me six reflectors.

    Amazon reflective triangles.

    And yes, probably a dozen or more road flares in case it's bad weather.
