robatthelake wrote:
No trying to hijack the thread, but, Have any of You folks looked at how many Chinese and Other Foreign Brands of Tires there are available. It Boggles the mind!
Makes sense as tire manufacturing is very labor intensive, very low tech, and the technology is pretty old hat so thay can be made anywhere that has an inxpensive labor force.
Even the engineering is very mature and there is very little new innovations. Raw materials, while fairly expensive, are easy to come by, and again, low tech.
Once you've been in a few plants you can pretty much just change the sign on the door and in the molds andd Viola your're someone else.
The biggest differance is in the QA and process engineering specs.
For example, a Firestone plant that meets Bridgstone standards can produce Bridgstone tires on the same equipment and with the same materials as a Firestone tire. Just a differant mold.
Almost all the manufactures produce tires under a differnat label so you really don't know who makes some of these private label tires. Could be Cooper, Firestone, Yokohama, or ???