The Winegard crank-up satellite antenna is really not a good option these days if you choose to got with satellite TV, UNLESS you choose to go with DirecTV and you are OK with not being able to watch any of that programming in High Def (HD). DISH uses 3 different satellites (actually, 6 between EA and WA satellites) and your crank up antenna can only "see" 1 satellite at a time. It can lead to big frustrations assuming an antenna that old still actually works!
If you want part-time satellite TV service then I would recommend DISH and the Winegard Pathway X2 antenna. You can turn the service on and off as necessary and the service is excellent. If you only want to watch 1 or 2 programs per night then cellular internet service for streaming would likely be OK as well but when folks talk about slow downs after 15 or 22 GB, my wife and I use over 50 GB/month and we DO NOT stream any TV.
The last (worst) way to be on the internet (for much more than e-mail) is to try to depend upon campground internet services. Think about where you like to camp and the reason you go there. As you get away from the cities, the services available become less and less. Add to that the 200 folks in the campground all trying to access that same weak service and you can better understand why you want to bring your own service.