I like the post that says use half. Nice to get enough advice to pick and choose huh? :-) For years I have believed the old wives tale to not let the gas tank sit below full. As it is I didn’t quite fill it due to a gas limit because I use a grocery store discount. In Colorado regular has had more ethanol. Something about the elevation. It’s reading full which is good enough. I have not replaced the fuel filters in this almost one year of ownership RV. I’ve had it in to a mechanic who did not add it to the list of small things that needed to be done including cleaning off the battery and replacing a broken lamp cover that I had not noticed. So it seemed the check up was pretty thorough.
We did not use the generator much in the decade we owned the 22e. I serviced it once. I had the carb replaced and it was serviced then. I bought a spark plug but could not figure out how to change it. Now I will change the oil in this new generator when we get to warm weather. I have been exercising the generator and I usually did the old one if not every month. But we usually only use it for air conditioning on the road. Or briefly in the morning for coffee. Now that I have an inverter and solar I didn’t even use it for that last time we were without hookups. But it was fall and no need for air conditioning. So I will use what I bought. Drive around and try to get some in the generator at half concentration. It will only sit about a month now before our next trip. So probably over thinking anyway. I just really like hearing what you all have to say. I’m still learning. Thanks.