Make sure you get all the documents you need from Motor Vehicles Department too.
We had to have a Notarized Bill of Sale that our DMV provided. Also, we had to turn in our license plates. In our case, we got a refund from DMV on our remaining time we had on our plates.
All paperwork was signed by the Buyer and Seller in the bank with a Notary.
The bank made one copy each of all documents for both parties.
The Buyer does NOT need to know your loan balance, it is none of their business.
Agree upon the sale price and they provide the funds, period.
As long as the loan is paid off, the bank does not care. If you owe more than agreed upon price, you pay off the balance.
If you get MORE money than you owe on the Coach...the bank will give you a refund when it all settles, the Title is issued, and the Buyer does not need to know this.
If you get more money, simply call the bank to close out the loan account and they will issue you a refund check.