I have found that dealer appointments are a moving target. When I need to get in and get something fixed quickly, my local dealer will do whatever it takes to make that happen.
The opposite side of that is when I need something done that has no deadline I will call and schedule an appointment as far in advance as possible, often 6-8 weeks. PA state inspection is one example. When I call, as I did earlier this week for an appointment and the service writer asked what I needed done, I told her an appointment early next month would be good. She laughed and said thank you, we don't get enough people who are not asking for immediate appointments. My reply was simple, this is a two way deal, when I need help quickly you accomodate me, when things can be scheduled further out I do so. It's good for all of us. Again she thanked me for making her job easier.
A good dealer relationship is priceless when needed and can be screwed up easily by either party.