Let me rephrase what I posted earlier. From the day I bought my 2005 PW class b rv, I was repeatedly turned away for service by at least a dozen Ford dealerships that sold cars and light trucks because I was told that their lifts couldn't handle the weight of the rv which I think was in the neighborhood of about 9,000 lbs. This was issues even dealing with tire concerns. They told me also that they didn't have enough room in the parking lots for rvs. This happened over a period of 12 years! Now did I know that I was supposed to seek out a "True Ford Truck Dealership"? What is it anyway? How does one find one ? How many are there? There is only one Ford Dealership that would handle the repair in my area and I had to wait two weeks for an appointment and after spending $2,000 for repairs found that they used after market parts and not OEM. Could the aftermarket parts be better? Maybe. Point is, I was led to believe that at a Ford dealership, one would get Ford parts and not some no name stuff. Was it a "True Ford Truck" dealership? Don't know. Just figured their company name included Ford so I went there. Point I'm trying to make is that just because there are many more Ford dealerships than Mercedes it does not necessarily mean that they will offer to fix your Ford vehicle. Will I have better luck getting service for my newly purchased Sprinter? Probably not but that's not my point is it?